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Dies are one of the most important and sensitive parts of pellet and extruder machines that are directly related to increasing quality and reducing costs. They are made in two forms, flat die and ring die. In animal feed factories, the ring type is often used.

The most important indicator in the quality of die is the materials used in its production. The items that need to be considered to order the proper die of the pellet machine are the inner diameter, the outer diameter, the total width and the working width of the die. The useful life of die depends on many factors, including the following:

  • Ingredients and characteristics of raw materials used in ration.
  • fat quantity
  • proper grinding of materials before the pellet machine
  • materials moisture (importance of conditioner and pellet machine)

Depending on the machine manufacturer, the required capacity and the budget of the customers, Garma Electric imports different dies from China or as a representative of Andritz from Europe.
Huge Andritz die factory is located in the Netherland, where more than 25% of the world's Die are produced in there. At the same time as producing the dies of its machines, Andritz also produces dies of other brands at the request of its customers (flat and ring dies).
ANDRITZ offers a variety of chrome steel alloys. By varying the content of vanadium, chromium, manganese nickel, and carbon, we can select a material that suits every individual requirement for a wide range of operational environments. Experienced operators establish heat treatment programs for dies going into vacuum hardening ovens. The heat treatment process is of utmost importance as it guarantees the product uniformity. ANDRITZ has invested substantially in the most modern hardening technology to produce a long-life and high-performance die.

Features of Andritz dies:
  • Manufacturing process with the latest technology in the world
  • high quality materials
  • Long-life and high-performance
  • Higher capacity due to more holes
  • Producing dies for all brands and by customer order
  • producing dies with very small holes
  • producing high-ratio dies

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